media coverage


Austrian TV

ORF2 ECO - Jobs mit Zukunft, was auf jedenfall gefragt ist, 26 January 2017

ORF Heute Konkret - Roboter als Pflegekraft, 31 May 2016

ORF heute mittag - Pflegeroboter im Test, 5 June 2014


BBC News - Meet Bob, the robot security guardl, 16 June 2014

Calender News - Linda the robot pays attention to detail, 28 Aug 2013

Worldwide TV

CNN - Meet Bob, the robotic security guard, 6 November 2014


Austrian broadcast

Ö1 Journal Panorama - Roboter: Unsere zukünftigen Pfleger?, 9 June 2016
(you will find the interview at 18:25 Journal Panorama)

UK broadcast

BBC Radio Lincolnshire , 27 Aug 2013


German Newspapers

Aachener Nachrichten - Er bringt Robotern das Sehen bei, 27 Nov 2014
download the article here

UK Newspapers

Quartz - Meet Henry, he'll be taking care of you when you're old, August 2014
download the article here
Financial Times - G4S powers up robotic security, 3 August 2014
read the article here
International Business Times - Meet Bob: The UK's First Ever Robot Security Guard , 20 June 2014
download the article here
Daily Telegraph - Meet your new colleague Bob - the robot , 19 June 2014
download the article here
Engadget - This robot guard keeps an unblinking eye on suspicious activities , 18 June 2014
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Birmingham Mail - Meet Bob the robotic security guard - made by the University of Birmingham , 17 June 2014
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Metro News - Bob: Robot security guard of the future , 16 June 2014
download the article here
Gloucestershire Echo - Tewkesbury staff say goodbye to Bob the robot , 16 June 2014
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Daily Mail - Meet Bob, Britain's first ROBOTIC security guard: Droid roams offices looking for suspicious behaviour - and calls for backup , 3 June 2014
download the article here
This is Jersey - Teams to create 'real-world' robots, 27 Aug 2013
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Belfast Telegraph - 'Security guard' robots being developed by UK universities, 27 Aug 2013
download the article here
This is Guernsey - Teams to create 'real-world' robots, 27 Aug 2013
download the article here
The Independent - UK's STRAND project aims to program robot security guards and carers, 27 Aug 2013
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Daily Telegraph - Robots trained as carers and security guards , 26 Aug 2013
download the article here

Austrian Newspapers

der Standard - Der Roboter im Pflegeheim, 7 May 2016
read the article here here
Heute - Die Zukunft? Roboter helfen bei Krankenplege, 31 March 2016
read the article here here - Testeinsatz für Krankenpflegeroboter, 30 March 2016
read the article here here
der Standard - Henry eine Maschine mit Helferqualitäten, 9 January 2016
read the article here here
ETIT Newsletter - Roboter im Haus der Barmherzigkeit, 10 November 2014
read the article here here
Kurier - Roboter, die neuen Kollegen und Mitarbeiter, 21 May 2014
download the article here here
Kronen Zeitung - Wiener Haus der Barmherzigkeit testet Hilfsroboter, 22 May 2014
see some photos here here
Heute - Hausmeister 2.0, 22 May 2014
see some photos here here
APA - Haus der Barmherzigkeit entwickelt Roboter, der aus Erfahrungen lernt, 22 May 2014
download the article here
see some photos here here
Kurier - Serviceroboter Henry überwacht das Pflegeheim , 21 May 2014
download the article here
APA - Wiener Haus der Barmherzigkeit testet lernfähigen Hilfsroboter , 21 May 2014
download the article here
OE1.ORF - Roboter will Sicherheit im Pflegekrankenhaus geben , 21 May 2014
download the article here
ORF - Pflegeheim testet lernfähigen Roboter, 21 May 2014
download the article here
TU Wien - "Das ist doch nicht normal!" denkt der Roboter, 21 May 2014
download the article here
Salzburger Nachrichten - Haus der Barmherzigkeit testet Hilfsroboter, 21 May 2014
download the article here - Serviceroboter Henry überwacht das Pflegeheim, 21 May 2014
download the article here

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